Press Release

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Press Release
For Immediate Release
January 25, 2023
Mike Gooch
(402) 333-0722

The Omaha Chess Community is Hosting a Chess Event Saturday, January 28.

The Omaha Chess Community, Inc. is hosting a chess event at the Metropolitan
Community College, South Campus, 2909 Edward Babe Gomez Avenue, Omaha,
NE 68107 on Saturday, January 28, 2023 beginning at 8:30 a.m.

This event is the kickoff event for the Metro Area Scholastic School Chess League.
The League consists of teams of players from various schools from our region who
will compete school team vs school team over the next two months.

For the kickoff, Rodney Malpert, National Senior Master, former Nebraska State
Chess Champion, former Oklahoma State Chess Champion, and former U.S.
National Champion Under 13 will provide a chess lecture and then play
simultaneously against the students.

After that, the students will play a three round Swiss style tournament.

Rod Malpert will be available to the media.

The Omaha Chess Community, Inc. is a local non-profit dedicated to supporting
chess including organizing and running chess tournaments and other chess
related activities.

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